Synapsun Quality Control Plan

Ensure the quality and compliance of your Modules.

As a photovoltaic module supplier, we are committed to delivering reliable, high-performance products that meet the most stringent industry standards. 

That’s why we have implemented the Synapsun Quality Controle Plan (SQCP) a rigorous quality control process applied to every module we source for you. 

The services provided are carried out by accredited external partners.

During production, before shipment

To ensure that your order is compliant before shipping, we offer several levels of inspection services as well as ‘on-demand’ services. 


Included in the module price, with no minimum order quantity ! 

Place your order directly via your user area and automatically benefit from the following services carried out in the manufacturer's factory by a qualified independent service provider :

Block describing the conformity of materials

Material conformity

Verification that the materials used are listed in IEC61215 certification

Why ?

The IEC61215 certificate is not enough ! It is essential to ensure that the materials used have been tested in accordance with the standard. An unqualified material is synonymous with an increased risk of long-term degradation ! 

Block describing pre-shipment inspection

Pre-Shipment Inspection

Sampling and carrying out the following inspections :

  • Visual inspection, Electroluminescent inspection, Pmax measurements, Check dimensions, hole positions, cable length, connector type, Conformity of ECS marking vs. certificate...


Why ?

  • Ensure that modules are manufactured to industry standards
  • Ensure that for every 1W ordered, you have more than 1W delivered
  • Avoid unpleasant surprises during installation
  • Avoid problems and lost time during commissioning
Block describing packaging verification

Packaging check

100% of pallets checked.

Why ?

We ensure that there are no visible defects on the packaging and that the pallets comply with requirements before loading.

Explanation of load supervision

Supervision of container loading

Quality provider present at container loading and closing.

Why ?

The goal is to ensure smooth loading and proper identification of the shipped goods.


Building on the SQCP Standard, we take quality assurance even further by providing full supervision of your production

Every stage is meticulously monitored, and we conduct an in-depth review of all electroluminescence (EL) images of your modules to ensure compliance and performance. 

Minimum volume : 5MW
Price : Less than 0.1 cts€/W



The 'EXTENDED' SQCP includes all the services of the 'STANDARD' SQCP, along with the following services :

(An independent service provider verifies compliance with quality criteria during production)

Block explaining production supervision

Production supervision

To ensure a good level of product manufacturing quality, this service includes :

  • Verification of quality control plan and manufacturing conditions.
  • Non-conformity management and processing.
  • Test equipment calibration control.
  • Statistical fault analysis and fault recovery.
Explanation of the 100% verification of EL images

100% EL (Electroluminescent) image verification

Goal : Do not miss any defect that could lead to future underperformance.

All electroluminescent images are automatically analyzed in a software program.


We offer a range of tailored services for more advanced or specific quality controls, depending on your project needs (contact us for details) 

Block explaining the tests carried out in an external laboratory

External Laboratory Testing Includes :

  • Pmax
  • EL
  • PID
  • Electrical Insulation
  • ...
Block explaining how to check the conformity of materials

Material Compliance Verification According to the Following Standards :

  • PID (Potential Induced Degradation) Resistance
  • Salt Mist Resistance
  • Ammonia Resistance
  • Ammonia Resistance
  • ...
Block explaining the supply chain

Traceability Audit :

The aim of this audit is to trace the supply chain and the materials used in your modules, from the extraction of the quartzite to the manufacture of the cells.

Block explaining pre-production audit

Preproduction audit

This stage aims to ensure that everything is fully operational before your order enters production (assembly lines, materials, operators, etc.)

Need a specific inspection ? Contact us to find the best solution for your project.

On delivery

 Your satisfaction and the quality of the products delivered are our top priorities. That’s why we’ve created an inspection form to assist you in verifying your goods upon receipt. 

Why is this important ?

  • Allows immediate reporting of any damage or non-compliance
  • Enables quick and efficient resolution in case of issues

Best pratices :

  • Take detailed photos of the modules' condition and packaging
  • Note your observations on the carrier’s delivery note

In operation

Your PV Module Health Record

At SYNAPSUN, we consider each photovoltaic panel to be a veritable "patient" with its own health record.

This virtual document contains all the essential data needed to monitor the performance of your modules throughout their lifetime. With precise information collected from the moment of production, this health record becomes an invaluable tool for ensuring the longevity of your photovoltaic installations. 

Flash List : The Initial Energy Balance

The Flash List represents the “energy balance” of your module. Measured at time t=0 at production output, it records the main electrical characteristics (power, voltage, current, etc.) that determine the initial performance of each panel. 


Why is it vital ?

  • It provides a clear reference for monitoring the evolution of module performance over time. 
  • It's the equivalent of measuring vital constants, to detect any drop in performance. 

Electroluminescent (EL) images : The Mechanical Integrity Scan

EL images, captured during production, act like an X-ray. They enable us to check the internal structure of the module, revealing any “micro-cracks” or anomalies invisible to the naked eye. These images are stored and available at all times, providing a valuable basis for comparison and subsequent monitoring. 


Why is it vital ?

  • They guarantee a detailed analysis of the module's initial condition, as well as a thorough medical examination. 
  • In the event of a subsequent inspection, they can be used to detect any “damage” that may have occurred during use or as a result of external factors. 

Traceability of materials : The Complete Medical File

The health record for your modules also includes a “medical file” detailing the materials used: glass, cells, EVA, frame, etc. In the event of a problem or suspected defect, this database can be used to trace the source and identify the supplier or batch involved. 

Why is it vital ?

  • Full traceability enables us to understand the potential causes of anomalies and to remedy them quickly. 
  • It guarantees proactive, transparent management of the quality of your photovoltaic installations. 


Health monitoring for long-lasting, high-performance modules

As partners in your success, we make a point of providing each module with a complete health record. This rigorous follow-up enables you not only to monitor the initial condition of your panels, but also to anticipate and manage any incident during their lifetime

With SYNAPSUN, the quality of your photovoltaic panels is in good hands: monitor the vitality of your modules, for optimum performance at all times! 



To consult your modules' health record or if you have any questions, contact us today.

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