Photovoltaics carports - eco-neighbourhood "Les fabriques" Reservoir Sun

Commissionning date : 3rd quarter 2022
Product: GCL-M8/72GDF 455
  • 0.250 MWc power installed
  • 0.461 GWh production / year
  • 558 modules
  • 1 150 m² total surface

Carports for "Les fabriques" eco-neighbourhood in Marseille.

At the heart of the Fabriques eco-neighbourhood, Reservoir Sun was awarded the contract to build the photovoltaic carports on the roof of the INDIGO Group car park, covering an area of 1,150m² and with a capacity of 240 kWp (equivalent to the annual consumption of around 70 households*).

This winning project in the CRE4 Bâtiment calls for tenders required the installation of 558 bifacial photovoltaic modules with ECS supplied by Synapsun.

The electricity generated currently feeds into the network, but Reservoir Sun plans to equip some of the Fabriques' buildings with self-consumption systems, strengthening local energy autonomy.

Les Fabriques eco-neighbourhood is a model of sustainability, with over 70% of its energy consumption coming from renewable sources.

*Data : Reservoir Sun

Some pictures of the project

Vu de haut de l'installation - les fabriques
© Les Fabriques - Marseille
Close up des panneaux - les fabriques
© Les Fabriques - Marseille
Les fabriques vu d'en bas
© Les Fabriques - Marseille
Vu de haut de l'installation
© Les Fabriques - Marseille
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